Cari amici,
sono lieto di informarvi che il mio metodo brevettato Trichobiolight è da oggi anche approvato dalla comunità scientifica. Il mio articolo, è stato infatti accettato per la pubblicazione dalla prestigiosa rivista scientifica Dermatologic Therapy.
Sono orgoglioso di questo risultato ottenuto grazie alla preziosa collaborazione di tutta la mia equipe e soprattutto dei dottori Giuliana Crisman e Claudio Conforti.
dott. Domenico Piccolo
#trichobiolight #dermatologictherapy #cadutacapelli #alopeciaandrogenetica #biofotostimolazione #protocolloskincenter #alopeciaareata #dottdomenicopiccolo #domenicopiccoloaz #skincenters
Trichobiolight®: A New, Effective Protocol in The Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia and Telogen Effluvium
Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA) with its precursor Miniaturization of Anagen phase (MA), and Telogen Effluvium (TE) represent non‐scarring hair loss diseases which causes moderate to severe aesthetic and psychologic discomfort in affected people. Several therapeutic approaches have been tested through the latest decades, with different degree of success. Objective: To analyse the efficacy and outcome of an innovative therapeutic protocol, named TRICHOBIOLIGHT®, a combination of active principles conveyed by mesotherapy directly on the scalp with a subsequent photobiostimulation session with LED light (630nm).
L’alopecia androgenetica (AGA) con il suo precursore Miniaturization of Anagen phase (MA) e Telogen Effluvium (TE) rappresentano malattie da perdita di capelli senza cicatrici che causano disagio estetico e psicologico da moderato a grave nelle persone colpite. Diversi approcci terapeutici sono stati testati negli ultimi decenni, con diversi gradi di successo. Obiettivo: Analizzare l’efficacia e l’esito di un protocollo terapeutico innovativo, denominato TRICHOBIOLIGHT®, una combinazione di principi attivi veicolati dalla mesoterapia direttamente sul cuoio capelluto con successiva seduta di fotobiostimolazione con luce LED (630nm).
One‐hundred‐seven patients (49 women, 58 men, mean age 45 year‐old) with clinical and trichoscopic diagnosis of MA, AGA and TE have been enrolled at Skin Center of L’Aquila, Avezzano and Pescara (Italy) and all have been treated with the TRICHOBIOLIGHT® protocol. Four patients dropped out at the beginning of the study: two patients because of an histological diagnosis of scarring alopecia and lichen scleroatrophicus, respectively, and two patients dropped out because of adverse reaction to the treatment (persistent itching, redness and scales).
Excellent to good outcome have been reached in the 82,5% of patients (85/103), 9 patients (8,7%) reached a sufficient result whilst 7 patients (6,8%) partially respond to the treatment. Two patients (2%) did not respond at all.
TRICHOBIOLIGHT® is a promising protocol, working through the combined action of the active principles and the photobiostimulation, that lead to a strengthening and thickening of the residual hair, giving an optical thickening effect that provides high quality aesthetic results and, consequently, appreciable psychological results.
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